What you need to consider before buying a property in Mauritius

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Buying a home is a huge financial decision for the majority of people. Before making this decision, you need to gather all the necessary information beforehand and find a realtor who works in your best interests and will guide you throughout the purchasing process.

What you need.

  • Firstly, you need to find a suitable property that matches your personal needs and budget. Whether you are alone or with a family, finding a property will depend on your personality, lifestyle and personal preference. Suppose you prefer modernity and comfort while being on a budget. In that case, an apartment may suit you better, but if you’re moving to Mauritius with your family, a villa, a townhouse, or even a big house will undoubtedly do the charm.
  • Regardless of which type of housing you prefer and can afford, you’ll have to decide on the size of your home, i.e., the number of bedrooms and bathrooms you or your family may need to live comfortably?

Furthermore, do you need any outdoor space around your property?

Do you want to be sea-facing?

Do you want to be on the upper floor apartment to enjoy the views?

These are all critical questions to consider before buying a property in Mauritius. Once you are ready to start, your real estate agent will help you find and acquire your dream home. It will be their duty to ensure that the construction is safe with the building contractors and that you receive copies of all essential documentation for your purchase.

  • Make sure to choose the right location for your lifestyle and professional life if you work. As you may know, the new trend amid Covid-19 is to work from home. Suppose you need to be close to a business centre. In that case, you may want to consider areas including the Ebène Cybercity, the Moka Smart City, or even the capital city of Port-Louis. It’s common for people to buy properties in regions close to their work to avoid the morning traffic.
  • As Mauritius is a small island, you can find restaurants, bars, and public & private schools in nearly every region. The coastal areas, mainly the North and the West, offer a more comprehensive range of restaurants and hotels, including entertainment, fitness facilities, and more. The best international private school on the Island is situated in this region
  • To purchase a property in Mauritius and obtain a Mauritian residency, you will need to invest a minimum of £277,000 ($375 000). It is noteworthy that despite Covid-19, property prices were not impacted. The general cost of living in Mauritius is about 28% cheaper than in the United Kingdom.
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